Convictions & Comforts · Uncategorized

Happy Reformation Resolution Day!

… a day late, because of a bad internet connection on the 31st. We never did Halloween. As kids we were allowed candy as a special treat whenever we went to Grandma’s or did especially well in school, and the thought of gorging ourselves on one night was never appealing to our parents or us.… Continue reading Happy Reformation Resolution Day!

Convictions & Comforts · Cooking · Uncategorized

A thought for a Sunday…

If no one ever bought out on Sundays, food service industries wouldn’t make enough in sales to keep their doors open. No employees would feel pressured to work on the Lord’s Day, because restaurants, cafes, bistros, and other food businesses wouldn’t be open. Hard working Christians wouldn’t have an excuse not to go to church… Continue reading A thought for a Sunday…