Miscellaneous · World Away From Word

Married Life

Of our wedding: I expected the ceremony to be more… scary than it was. I suppose I thought vowing before God and our witnesses to be ever faithful and true to my husband might be more… nerve wracking? And that’s not to say that I didn’t say my vows with a sober understanding of their full… Continue reading Married Life


3×30 Challenge 10 – Just an Ordinary Girl

Day 10: Something at which you’ve been a champion or the best. To see this challenge list from the beginning, click here.  Trick question. See, I have the potential to be ‘the best’ at some things, but I lack dedication and length of purpose to truly master any given pursuit. I think I still have the highest… Continue reading 3×30 Challenge 10 – Just an Ordinary Girl

Miscellaneous · Uncategorized · Writing Snippets & Exercises

3×30 Challenge 07 – Change

Day 07: An example of change being good Personal growth. Repairing a broken relationship. Puberty. Refocusing your priorities in a more productive manner. Adding to your family whether by marriage, babies, or deciding you’re keeping your non-blood-related friends forever and ever with blood pacts and signed contracts. Most Underrated Book You Ever Read: Hm. The… Continue reading 3×30 Challenge 07 – Change